Our coaching team has over 20 years of combined experience. Both funny and knowledgeable, you will like them in no time!
Head Coach: Luc Morin

Bike and Run Coach: Jean-Luc Mejane

After playing basketball during 20 years, I discovered triathlon in 2006 in Montreal. Since then, I have raced 100+ triathlon/duathlon/run events including four Ironman and five marathons. As an age group, I qualified for 1 ITU sprint Triathlon World Cup and 3 ITU sprint duathlon world cups where I got top 10 twice, the NYC Marathon and the Canadian Mountain Running Championships. I tried Xterra racing without much success…I became a vegan athlete in 2014 when I realized that diet allowed me to get ride of an auto-immune disease (ankylosing spondylitis) diagnosed earlier this same year.
After 15 years as an IT project manager, I became a full-time triathlon coach in 2014 (level 1 Triathlon Quebec certification, level 2 in progress, Training Peaks level 1 accredited coach, Ironman University coach certification in progress). In addition to coaching the McGill Triathlon Club and the McGill Olympic Club, I also offer online coaching services for triathletes, duathletes and runners. I’ve also been hired as triathlon coach at Peak Centre Montreal where I have the privilege to work with international cycling coach Pierre Hutsebaut.
Join the team and I’ll be more than happy to assist you during workouts, answer your questions about your training and do my best to make you become a better athlete!
Personal athlete’s blog : http://jean-lucmejane-triathlete.blogspot.ca
Coach Facebook page: TRIPLEACTION